Sunday, November 21, 2010

A quicky, but goody

Hello internet visitors! I would like to present you with today's breakfast for a lazy Sunday:
Ezekiel bread with Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut Butter
This spread is amazing. I ordered mine on Vegan Essentials. Holy yum. I highly recommend it.
Pomegranate seeds!
So one pomegranate has a lot of seeds! Delicious seeds! DanT and I couldn't finish all the little seeds in one breakfast. Perhaps the leftovers should join me for breakfast tomorrow?? This pomegranate was purchased at Trader Joe's. DanT had never had one before. He is now enlightened.
The whole breakfast
Look at that natural light! My living room is lovely in the morning. And my water glass in the background is a shout-out to my little bro!

And lastly, squirrel alert! Awesome dangling squirrel in Union Square park.



  1. Love pomegranate seeds! But hate having to crack those suckers open myself, takes so long to get the seeds out!

  2. I just had Justin's HNB on toast last night! It was our light dessert :D That squirrel is too cute!
